I started it with the intention of sort of getting back into the swing of doing such things regularly and it just didn't happen.
Well here I sit in a very different place from then so I figure why not give it a shot again?
For this one I figured I'll start with just where I'm at right now.
Just recently celebrated my 27th birthday.
I'm playing guitar in The Roaring .22s and 5 string bass in the recently formed metal band The Facilitators.
I work at company called Fusion Systems (just hit 1 yr there actually). I go back and forth on my opinion of this place, we'll see how it goes.
In late December my longest relationship to date came to an end. Thats a strange thing as a whole really. While it was coming to a close I fought it like crazy and seemed like the worst thing ever. Now that it actually IS over and I never see her anymore I am very happy about it. I've been able to go back into things I love and reorganize my life in my own way without someone else's priorities.
Which has been particularly grand in itself as I've taken up some great habits. I've gone back to cooking regularly and its been great. I've started running again. I actually put down over 15 miles this week, I'm quite proud of myself on this one. I've cut back massively on my beer intake, I still party on the weekends but I maybe have a couple beers throughout the rest of the week.
My guitar playing and singing efforts have easily doubled or tripled as of late. I love it. I've been doing a lot of writing, still getting comfortable in my own skin in certain regards but its a good kind of challenge. A pic I took after doing some writing yesterday cuz the image made me happy.
Best part of the end of said relationship is that I got to keep my dog Marshall Bizzle. When we first broke up I remember saying I think to my friend Pat that if she wanted to leave thats fine but my biggest concern was Marshall staying with me. He did a great job at showing who he wanted to stay with and who he preferred. I do sort of feel bad for her in that regard, but like I've said from the beginning Marshall has a great bullshit detector. Luckily she accepted that and didn't really fight me about him staying with me.
So far I think Marshall has really enjoyed it being just me and him actually, he could definitely sense the tension and negativity.
We go on a lot of long walks, do a lot of playing, and I've started bringing him to band practices which I think he likes. I've also been fixing some of his behavior issues since its only me and its easier to be consistent with him.
Heres a pic of us from a recent trip to the park.
It is strange though, I'm still in the same house as I've been the past 2 years but I'm now in it alone. I thought I was gonna hate it and be lonely but I've actually come to love it. I can do whatever I want whenever I want.
Hang out naked and play rockband? Sure.
Play guitar while singing at the top of my lungs at 7am on a Saturday? Fuck yeah.
The one thing about the post break up thing that has bothered me though is all these things I didn't know that have come out from friends. I really wish I would have known this shit a year or more ago so I could have quit wasting my time. I understand why folks wouldn't or couldn't say these things to me, I just hope next time they do anyway regardless of the immediate consequences because long term its definitely for the better.
Anyway thats all I'm feeling up to writing about today, this will continue to evolve slowly I'm sure as I've got a lot in my head that will be useful to get out.