Today on December 1st 09, I've been at my job for about 2.6 years now.
Its yielded quite a bit of knowledge and experience, but little to no real benefits otherwise.
As far as money goes, I didn't start making very much. I then got a few raises along with more responsibilities. Eventually I felt my pay to responsibility ratio was way off so I threatened to quit on a day I was rather upset at how things were going.
I then got a 10% or 15% raise. I don't remember for sure.
I think I got a pretty decent bonus that year too.
July of this year I was lucky enough to get a 10% pay cut due to poor sales (the company as whole got this, this wasn't' specific to my job at all).
While I have been applying to jobs the past few months, today I've been blitzing multiple websites and throwing my resume around as much as possible.
I am about to return a call from a place I applied to only a couple hours ago. I'm rather excited about it.
Not that it seems like that much better of an opportunity, but I'm ready to move onto something else.
Even if its 100% lateral.
For some reason, while I'm not too worried whether I get that job or not I am extremely nervous for some reason.
Maybe its because I haven't had any big changes in my life within the past year or two.
Maybe its because it seems like a big company, and big companies I find to be rather intimidating.
Maybe its because I'll land somewhere else and it'll be a grass is greener scenario and I wish I were back where I am now.
All I know is I have no problem working harder if it means more cash in my pocket or less stress at the end of the day.
Anyway I'm gonna go and call that woman back now, wish me luck.
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