Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My Theory on Deja Vu

I'll keep it short and sweet, because its rather simple.

People have on average 36 dreams per night. This is 13,140 dreams per year.
All of these dreams are just assembled from random information laying around in your brain.

My theory is that Deja Vu is simply the subconscious recollection of a dream or part of a dream that has distinct similarities to whatever the situation you are experiencing.

Odds are that you'll come up with very realistic dreams, and simply due to quantity of dreams its likely that you'd come up with situations you have yet to experience but are likely to happen.

So thats it: Deja Vu = your brain finding similarities between dreams of your past and your present moment

It could be right, it could be bullshit, I don't care. It makes sense to me.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Filthy Humans

To be human is to struggle between being a beast and being a deity.
Of course it is much easier and immediately fulfilling to be beast-like, but it will always leave you feeling empty eventually.
Being more god-like however is rarely immediately fulfilling and takes a special something to appreciate and receive rewards from.

For me I'll mostly likely stay here in the middle, enjoying the fruits with the beasts while conversing and dreaming with the gods.

Because without that, it wouldn't be a struggle, and then what would the point be?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Job Job Job, Job Job Job-a-ran

Maybe going to an interview today.
Haven't decided since the place has already filled all the higher up positions and only has the low paid positions left. The lower paid positions only pay $9.50 an hour, no fucking way would I take that kind of a cut no matter how much I hate my current job.
I have an interview after work tomorrow as well.

Other shit:
The band is going well, we're writing a bunch of stuff and its a lot different than the previous things.

Brooke started a food blog which is cool and very exciting.
She also dyed her hair this real dark red color. Would. (did/does/will)

Tonight is beer bottling night with Mr Armbruster. Looking forward to that.

We are potentially adopting a dog named Lucy. She's about the same age as Marshall but she's a white american bulldog/boxer mix. I'm quite excited to see what happens with her because her personality description sounds just like Marshalls.

Anyway thats pretty much everything thats going on in my life right now.
I'll post again soon I'm sure.

Friday, December 4, 2009

More news on the job front

I applied for a ton of jobs today (felt like 50, was probably 30).
Using as many outlets as possible.

I haven't gotten any return emails or anything yet but I'm hopeful.
I was smart enough to use my gmail instead of work email this time so I can check these things outside of work.

In other news, I am going to attempt to grow up and not be so selfish.

That is all.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Jobby Job Jobs

Today on December 1st 09, I've been at my job for about 2.6 years now.
Its yielded quite a bit of knowledge and experience, but little to no real benefits otherwise.
As far as money goes, I didn't start making very much. I then got a few raises along with more responsibilities. Eventually I felt my pay to responsibility ratio was way off so I threatened to quit on a day I was rather upset at how things were going.
I then got a 10% or 15% raise. I don't remember for sure.
I think I got a pretty decent bonus that year too.
July of this year I was lucky enough to get a 10% pay cut due to poor sales (the company as whole got this, this wasn't' specific to my job at all).

While I have been applying to jobs the past few months, today I've been blitzing multiple websites and throwing my resume around as much as possible.

I am about to return a call from a place I applied to only a couple hours ago. I'm rather excited about it.
Not that it seems like that much better of an opportunity, but I'm ready to move onto something else.
Even if its 100% lateral.

For some reason, while I'm not too worried whether I get that job or not I am extremely nervous for some reason.
Maybe its because I haven't had any big changes in my life within the past year or two.
Maybe its because it seems like a big company, and big companies I find to be rather intimidating.
Maybe its because I'll land somewhere else and it'll be a grass is greener scenario and I wish I were back where I am now.
All I know is I have no problem working harder if it means more cash in my pocket or less stress at the end of the day.

Anyway I'm gonna go and call that woman back now, wish me luck.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Yawn - Thanksgiving weekend 09

Rounding out a 5 day weekend, cuz brooke and I called in today.

We did nothing but nap, eat, hang out with the dog, and watch movies.
Both today and the 4 days prior (we drank a shload of beer during that time).

We also held our second annual Bizzle Awesome Beer Extravaganza.
Great times all around and a lot of good beers were had.
The lesson I'm learning it to not just pick up any beer that is a style I like.
SOOOOOOO many beers I've had over the past few days that were simply malty sourness due to being to old.
One of my favorites that I had was from Avery called Dugana. 93 IBUS of awesomeness.
Thats probably one of the only ones I had never heard of before that I'd try again.

I've realized I don't dig Belgians very much and basically IPAs, stouts, american pale ales, and porters are all I really like.
Its not that other styles are bad necessarily, I'm just spoiled and know what I like.

We watched a fucking ton of movies this lazy long weekend.
Funny People was probably the stand out of those movies. While the name would suggest its a comedy, it is not.
It has some funny parts (because its about comedians), but definitely not a comedy.
Its extremely intense pretty much through the whole thing and Adam Sandler was fucking great in it.
I won't say anymore because I don't want to ruin it.

Brooke and I rocked the crock pot 3 times throughout our time off.
Chicken soup - brooke made
Beef Stew - brooke made
Chili - I mostly made, was way too spicy and thin but still pretty good.
All complete wins in my books.

Marshall is feeling better from his second surgery for his mast cell tumors. We cleaned up his scabs and we found what we think is another tumor =(.
I'm hoping not but it does look like the previous ones have. Worst part is its on the bottom of his chin so I have no idea how the vet will be able to get the margins she needs to.
Either way he's happy right now so we'll deal with that when we need to. For now he's been hopping around like a kangaroo all day and he's happy.
Can't say I blame him, he's spoiled as hell. He gets to sleep in our bed everyday, gets loved up like crazy, and got a 3 egg omelet with dog treats yesterday.

Other stuffs:
We had a very long band practice on Saturday, Matt brought over his Triple Rec and the tour Titan Cerberus on Sunday, and I also made a new band name workbook.
No one seems to like the shits I put together, but I'm fine with that. As long as their minds get moving and we get a dialogue started.
We'll see how that one goes.
Anyway its almost 11 and I think I'm gonna try to good to bed.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

First Blog Ever.

I have been considering making a blog for sometime now and finally decided to go through with it.

I used to write about shit all the time in my notebooks and it was rather therapeutic and I hope this will serve the same purpose.

Topics will include things I do, don't do, haven't done, have done, will do, won't do, things I've thought about, things I'm thinking about, things I plan on thinking about, but it will not include things I don't, haven't, and won't think about.

So yeah probably lots of BS about my biatch, my dog, my beer, my band, my friends, music, and just other shit like that.

Rather boring, but documentation is a good thing.